

Bella Italia is a company based in Città di Castello (Umbria – Italy) which promotes a whole series of high quality gastronomic products around the world, under the trademark “Heart of Italy”.

Among the products selected by Bella Italia there is a large part of organic products that are used in the preparation of an extensive list of pastas, sauces and extra virgin olive oils.

These products are made following the best Italian gastronomic traditions, trying to refine the taste for the flavours of authentically Italian ingredients

The main purpose of Bella Italia and in fact to promote Italian flavours is to educate its customers to recognize our national tastes which are an integral part of our lifestyle.

Bella Italia products include various types of pasta, as well as extra virgin olive oils and sauces, including those with truffles.

Wheat Senator Cappelli

All Heart of Italy tomato sauces are produced
100% Made In Italy
with Marche tomatoes